Monday 7 April 2014

EXAM (ANNOTATION): Further Experimentaton

Sandpaper is something that I have been working with frequently and I have created some marks on the piece that I have been using so I thought that placing it in with some of my pieces of work would be another set of experiements. I attempted to use the shape of the mark to incorporate the sandpaper into my pieces as this would allow the mark to 'fit in'. This experiment allowed me to think about refining my work and the marks that I have made as this will allow me to take more time considering which type of marks I could make in my final piece. 

I experimented with burnt paper as this would show something being weathered and worn, and I had a similar idea from the last experiment to put the burnt paper with some of my existing pieces. In the photograph above, there are remains of burnt paper which I have placed in the left hand side of the piece. 

In this photograph, you can see the burnt piece of paper framing the white acrylic marks from one of my refinement pieces. I think that this worked well and this is something for me to consider to use in my final piece. I then later stuck some of these pieces down. 

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