Monday 7 April 2014

EXAM (ANNOTATION): Artist Responses (Brett Smith)

The piece that I was looking while completing this artist respnse was Spring Fireworks 002 by Brett Smith ( This artist response consisted of applying black acrylic paint to the page in 'blotches' as this is a similar method to the one that my artist uses. I think that this was successful as my response certainly resembles Brett Smith's piece. I also used an ink stick to create the small lines which trail off the blotches as this is something else featured in Smith's piece. Overall I think that this was a successful response however I think that I need to attempt to recreate the arrangement of the blotches as this would improve the piece.

Here I did two responses, both using the same method of application. This time I worked on the arangement of the blothes which was something I reflected on in my last attempt. I am unsure about the top piece as the arrangment still didn't look quite right in terms of being aesthetically pleasing however the bottom piece resembled Smith's very well depsite being slightly small. Next I think I might experiement with adding colour to my interpretation as I think it might lift it off the page slightly.

Here I added red and pink acrylic to the piece to lift it off the page however I don't think that this works as well as I hoped due to it being the wrong colours and them not fitting into the rest of the piece. I think that colours such as light browns may work well in this piece alongside teastain however I am not sure. Below this there is an experiment with added white acrylic paint blotches. These blotches are very subtle therefore I think that more paint needs to be used for them to give an effect. 

On the opposite page, there are imprints of the marks made and this gives off a more subtle effect. I then added more white acrylic and this improved the quality of the piece. This is something I am considering to use in my final piece as I like this effect.

This piece and the one of the opposite page is a response to Brett Smith's piece, August 003 ( and was created with acrylic paint in white, grey and black and pencil marks. The piece on the right hand side of the page was created using more white acrylic to change the tone of the piece. I used similar brush strokes in this piece going in different directions (as you can see from the photo above). I attempted to vary the shades of grey as this would add depth to the piece. I later added pencil marks which is something that features on the original piece. I also created a slight rip in the paint in the centre of the piece by using a piece of paper to protect it. Once I took the paper off, this was the effect created.

This piece was created in a similar way to the previous ones however I used collage in this piece to experiement with different methods. I then added teastain and more black/white acrylic paint at a later stage and this finished the piece. Overall I like this piece because it is exciting to look at as well as diversing itself from the previous responses to August 003.

This piece and the one on the previous page is a response to Cages 3 by Brett Smith ( This piece was created with black acrylic paint and this was created by using a paintbrush to create a variation of lines leading in different directions, therefore ending up resembling the artist's piece. I like this techniques a lot as I really like the look of the final piece however I don't think I am going to use this in my final piece as it is slightly too heavy to feature in my idea for my final piece.

This piece is a response to Reeds 002 ( I used acrylic paint to create this piece and then added teastain and pencil at a later date. I didn't make this piece the same size as the original as it is 60 inches long, however I used the same techniques as Smith. I first painted a white acrylic background, then began to add the black vertical lines to the piece. I finished this piece by adding the grey and white blotches to overlay the lines. 

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