Monday 10 February 2014

EXAM: Aaron Jasinski (Possible Artist)

Aaron Jasinski's paintings have shown across the US, and internationally. He also illustrates children's books, album covers, and creates electronic music. Aaron grew up in in a family of musicians and the love of music is a major influence in his visual art. His paintings often features musical, pop-culture, and nostalgic references peppered with social commentary and whimsical creatures (think morose hipsters mingling with monkeys in space suits), utilizing a Technicolor palette. Aaron resides near Seattle Washington with his wife and 4 children. (!about/c10fk)

The Heart Wants What It Wants

Painted for Gallery 1988's Woody Allen tribute show. January 2013
Woody Allen [film star] famously said this when justifying his relationship with Soon-Yi Previn, adoptive daughter of a previous partner. (

Throne of Games

Donkey Kong was one of the first video games I played as a little kid. The DK machine ate our quarters down the block at the corner market along with Pac-Man and Centipede. Super Mario Brothers was THE game to play when i was in Jr. High School. Mario 25+ years later Mario is still going strong. In my mind he defines the video game experience. He's the king.

Pop culture inspired (!untitled/zoom/c1t44/image1qps)

Take On Me

Inspired by the AHA music video and song by the same name. Done for the "I Want My Music Video" show at WWA Gallery. (!Take-On-Me/zoom/c1t44/image6fy)

Brass Monkey vs Funky Monkey (!Brass-Monkey-vs-Funky-Monkey/zoom/c1t44/imagej97)

 Droid Step (2011) (!Droid-Step/zoom/c1t44/image1snu)

When You Need a Friend (Star Wars inspired) (!When-You-Need-a-Friend/zoom/c1t44/image1qt2)

Star Wars inspired (!untitled/zoom/c1t44/image1bn8)

Spring Eternal (2012) (!Spring-Eternal/zoom/c1t44/imagee2e)

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